At Magic Skin and Hair Care we use the advanced Hyfrecator Conmed Conmed Hyfrecator 2000+ imported from U.S.A. Electrosurgery is used to destroy benign and malignant lesions, to control bleeding, and to cut or excise unwanted tissue. Electrosurgery is a simple procedure with quick recovery time , a safe cosmetic procedure and a good economical alternative to Laser. It is useful for treating a variety of skin lesions. This is the most commonly used equipment and we have two Conmed units at our clinic for the convenience of the patient.
It includes washing with a mild soap and water then applying antibiotic ointment. Little bits of dry skin remain which should never be peeled off or scratched for 2 - 3 days after which they fall off revealing a clear beautiful skin, free of blemishes.
Cryosurgery has been used to treat skin lesions for approximately 100 years. The first cryogens were liquid air and compressed carbon dioxide snow. Liquid nitrogen became available in the 1940s and currently is the most widely used cryogen.